Summit Family Care, LLC - Dr Craig S Ostrander, DO - Lee's Summit's PREMIER Direct Primary Care Physician

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

You are a "direct primary care" practice. What exactly is "direct primary care"?

It is a "direct" cooperative relationship between the doctor and patient without the hassles of insurance and other middlemen. Typically, it also means 24/7 unlimited "direct" access to your doctor through phone, text, email, and clinic.

What is the big deal? How really is a "direct primary care" practice different from a "traditional" medical practice?

"Direct primary care" provides much more personal attention and flexibility than a traditional practice. We limit our practice size to 500. A traditional practice requires 2500-3500 to pay the bills due to a heavier burden of paperwork, staffing, and other costs.

Do I really get to talk to the doctor whenever I want?

Yes. This is one of our most important benefits. Because we care for 1/5 to 1/7 the amount of patients of a "traditional" practice, WE HAVE TIME to do things such as take talking to our patients. This would be impossible for "traditional" doctors. They just don't have time and the insurance they take does not reimburse for phone calls.

Is this the same as "concierge" medicine?

Yes and no. We offer the benefits of "concierge" medicine but remain affordable.

I have commerical insurance. Does this work with insurance?

Yes. It works great with most commercial insurance. POSSIBLE EXCEPTION: HMOs MAY BE A PROBLEM AS THEY MAY NOT HONOR PAYMENT ON ORDERS WE WRITE. If you have an HMO, you should check them first. Generally, most commercial insurance and Medicare pair great with our membership.

Do I need insurance?

We don't require it. We do highly recommend at least minimal catastrophic coverage. While we can manage many common medical problems in the clinic, a medical emergency, hospitalization, surgery, or serious diagnosis like cancer can lead to financial disaster and worse, limit your options.

How much does it cost?

Much less than you might think. Review our PRICES page.

Do I need to be a member? Can I just pay per visit?

Yes, you must be a member and no, we do not offer. All patients are members who pay monthly. This keeps thing simple and allows all members to have unlimited access to the doctor without hassles of billing and paperwork.

Can I just pay only the months I use you?

No. We do not recommend this. First, we do charge a re-enrollment fee of $200 per member to re-establish care later if you quit. Second, we limit our total number of patients to 500. When you attempt to re-enroll may have to put you on our wait list. IF YOU HAVE FINANCIAL DIFFICULTIES, PLEASE DISCUSS THIS WITH US IN ADVANCE AS WE WANT TO WORK WITH YOU.

Are my membership fees tax deductible?

Not currently, but possibly soon. Combining a direct primary care membership with a high deductible insurance plan creates a powerful and seamless healthcare benefit with comprehensive primary care coverage—a benefit far better than is currently available even with insurance that offers first dollar coverage.

I am healthy and rarely need a doctor. Could I benefit from signing up?

Congratulations on your health. If that is the case, our role would be to keep it that way by providing preventive annual wellness exams. Also, predicting what life throws at you can be difficult. Illness usually is not planned. Should you get thrown a "curveball", we will be accessible for you to quickly get back on track.

Do you manage chronic pain?

No. Management of chronic pain is a difficult and requires a multi-disciplinary approach. We are not capable of offering this type of care. If you are a regular patient of ours, we would be happy to arrange for you to see a pain expert. Of course, there would be a separate financial arrangement between you and this specialist.

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Summit Family Care, LLC
"Our Specialty Is You"